Thursday, August 11, 2011

Politics and Religion

Ever notice that Ron Paul does not play the religion card? Not that he isn't a Christian, just that he does not blow a trumpet when he prays...and does not pray in a stadium so 30,000 people can hear it. Yesterday in the New York Times there was an article about Tim Pawlenty, who is going after the religious vote in Iowa. Or what is left of it after that other candidate from Minnesota takes it.
It was pointed out in the Spanish press that the US is in a war to keep religious fundamentalists from taking over Afghanistan, and, um, using large stadiums for their religious meetings...
I guess since the governor of Texas did not fight in a war he did not take that into account. But he might have read the Gospel in which Christ tells people not to sound a trumpet when they pray or do alms. He commands things to be done in secret that God the Father might reward people openly.
So, if you are religious, by all means pray for Ron Paul, but do it in silence - your prayers need to be effective - the US needs all it can get.

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